Broodwar Protoss campaign escape Aiur
Flash (Lee Young-ho 이영호), by far the greatest of Starcraft players, perhaps in all of competitive gaming. He is Bonjwa, but he's also even beyond them as the sole player with 'God' status.
a small gallery of Bonjwas (본좌), left to right:
SlayerS_Boxer(임요환 Lim Yo-hwan) - Terran,
NaDa (이윤열 Lee Yoon-yeol) - Terran,
iloveoov (최연성 Choi Yeon-sung) - Terran,
SaviOr - Zerg(disgraced and retracted),
Yell0w (홍진호 Hong Jin-ho) - Zerg (forever 2nd place except that one time)
Bisu (Kim Taek-yong 김택용) - the Protoss who beat Savior at his prime for a championship and the closest yet to Bonjwa status in the Protoss race
Starcraft Remastered was well received for largely leaving the spirit and feature-bugs of Broodwar intact while upgrading visuals, revitalizing official battlenet matchmaking, and adding between-mission assets to the campaign.
JaeDong, one of the best zergs of all time, seen kissing his Golden Mouse (3-peat of one of the 2 most prestigious star leagues at the time) trophy after sweating for it
Soulkey - Zerg main whose career has seen success in both SC2 and BW. He's perhaps the current closest contender for the Bonjwa status, however, the old leagues that defined them are long gone and his repeated successes have come in the absence/decline of previously regarded as best players.
StarCraft: Brood War (Remastered since 2017) - Asymmetric and Unintended Designs
Broodwar is many things, but purely as a game, it is a beautiful, broken mess. Starcraft is a competitive RTS where the player has a choice among its 3 races of Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. The asymmetrical design of these three races combined with idiosyncrasies of the game that cover utilization of unique terrains, bugs, pathing, and other mechanical abnormalities gave it a depth of skill expression and adrenaline-inducing gameplay that Blizzard developers could not have fathomed in their wildest imaginations. Above all, Broodwar can be a punishingly difficult game especially against opponents who can outpace your skill to the point they could beat you with their feet at the controls (this has actually happened in Korean vs. foreigner in some showmatches as a sign of casual disregard and disrespect in cognizance of said skill gap). However, because it is so difficult, when strong players are matched up to play on the stage, the expression of their knowledge, skill, decision-making is an awesome thing to behold.